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GrowHealthy - Lake Wales


ABOUT GrowHealthy is a leading medical cannabis dispensary in Florida. We produce premier-quality, all-natural medicinal cannabis products that help our patients live healthier lives. A state-licensed producer, GrowHealthy sets the industry standard for product qu ality, purity and safety, resulting in 100% natural, toxin-free medical cannabis products that provide relief for chronic pain and other debilitating symptoms, and promote personal optimization, balance and general wellness. We are compassionate-care advocates and champions of natural and alternative medicinal healing; and are committed to serving Florida’s medical marijuana patients with unmatched product quality and safety and exceptional customer service. Our product lines include: MIND: THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol) products act as a muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory; and psychologically, act as a stimulant. This makes medical cannabis strains high in THC a good choice for patients who need relief but also need to remain alert and active. BODY: CBD (cannabidiol) products reduce the psychological effects of medical cannabis. For most patients, a strain that has high CBD will have a relaxation effect without the psychoactive effects associated with a high THC composition; often used for illnesses that have strong physical symptoms. BALANCE: CBD : THC (1:1 Ratio) This blend of CBD and THC combines the benefits of the two strains into one balanced medication. Expertly calculated CBD : THC ratios maximize the synergistic properties and effects of both strains, creating pharmaceutical-grade cannabis formulations that deliver exceptional benefits. Talk to your physician about which medical cannabis products might be best for your condition. FREE statewide delivery: 800.619.5288. New cannabis dispensary locations opening soon.


License : A10-18-0000224-TEMP, M10-18-0000283-TEMP
Email : [email protected]
City : Lake Wales
State : FL
Country : US


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